Vincent van Gogh 3 foto’s / photos

Vincent van Gogh 2 foto’s / photos

Vincent van Gogh 1 foto / photo


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Goede doel

Our charity Information WASH – Water, Sanitatie Clean water, basic toilets and good hygiene practices are essential for the survival and development of children. Today there are approximately 2.4 billion people who do not use improved sanitation facilities and 663 million who do not have access to improved water sources. Without these basic needs, the […]


Main sponsors Vincent van Gogh Photo Award Profoto Overall Sponsor Profoto was founded in Stockholm in 1968 by photographer and engineer Eckhard Heine and photo equipment trader Conny Dufgran. Their relationship started when Conny sold Eckhard a Flash that didn’t work. Annoyed by the malfunctioning device,  Eckhard went home to invent a new type of […]

Award informatie

Vincent van Gogh Photo Award Informatie Openlucht expositie Vanaf 9 September 2023, worden ALLE WINNENDE INZENDINGEN gedurende 3 weken, tentoongesteld tijdens EEN OPENLUCHT EXPOSITIE in het Park in het centrum van Nuenen (N.Br).